Fred Rogers Room

2021-2022 Annie Sullivan Award

At a Westmoreland Intermediate Unit regular board meeting, Tuesday, September 27, Dr. Matt Thomas (WIU Student Services Director) presented Mr. Adam Zawalsh (Special Education Teacher, Greensburg Partial Program) the Annie Sullivan Award for the 2021-2022 school year.  The Westmoreland Intermediate Unit Board of Directors, Administrative Team, and colleagues congratulated Adam on this remarkable accomplishment by presenting him with a gift including a book about trust.

Dr. Matt Thomas recognized Mr. Zawalsh stating, “He is a special education teacher at the Greensburg partial hospitalization facility.  In this program, he receives students with barriers related to mental health.  Adam’s work with kids is nothing short of awesome. He can differentiate, for every single person and every single kid in the room has a touch point with him.  Adam is incredibly humble!” 

Adam came prepared with a speech, thanking his family, as well as saying, “This is not an individual award, but a group award that is very reflective of the PCAs and paraprofessionals that I have worked with, three of which are here tonight.  Thank you for supporting what we do with our students and in the classrooms and working together. Thank you to my fellow teachers and mental health staff who I work with daily and thank you to those administrators who have made sure students always receive the resources they deserve and give us the room to try and experiment with new things. With the Greensburg Partial Program, of a typical 6-hour school day 3 of those are spent on mental health, and then we have 3 hours for academics. I get to [teach] chemistry, bio, 7th-grade history, and ELA.  Other teachers specialize in one area, and we get to specialize in all!

Pictured left to right: Mr. Michael Picarsic (WIU Board President)

Mr. Adam Zawalsh (Award Recipient) & Dr. Jason Conway (WIU Executive Director)