
In 1971, the Pennsylvania General Assembly established intermediate units throughout Pennsylvania to operate as regional educational service agencies to provide cost-effective, management-efficient programs to Pennsylvania school districts, reducing redundancy and taking advantage of economy of scale.  
There are 29 intermediate units in the state of Pennsylvania; however, no two IUs are exactly alike.  Each is uniquely shaped by the region it serves and the needs of its member school districts.  Each IU performs a number of roles including: vendors, service providers, grant writers, financial and management specialists, researchers, advisors, advocates and facilitators.  Although no two intermediate units are alike, each IU's programs and services fall into one of the following categories:
  • Adult Education
  • Cooperative Projects
  • Curriculum Services
  • Educational Technology
  • Preschool Education
  • School-Age Programs
  • Statewide Programs
  • Training & Development
The regions the 29 intermediate units serve are as follows:
The Westmoreland Intermediate Unit  #7 serves Westmoreland County, including seventeen (17) school districts, three Career and Technology Centers, and Clairview School, under the direct supervision of its board of directors and central administration.  Services the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit offer to school districts include: Curriculum, Executive, Financial, Technology & Infrastructure, and Student.  
Westmoreland Intermediate Unit Introductory Video
The Comprehensive Plan for 2023-2026 can be found here.