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Westmoreland IU 7
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Kelly Altemose
Special Education Teacher
Amy Aujay
Special Education Teacher
Rachel Barner
ACCESS Secretary
Maria Barnes
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher
Stephanie Baumgard
Special Education Teacher
Jeff Beard
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Kim Berton
Special Education Teacher
Kara Boehner
Speech and Language Pathologist
Stacey Bogac
Speech and Language Pathologist
Kellie Boggs
Transition Coach
Taylor Boozell
Special Education Teacher
Constance Bradish
Classroom Assistant
Melissa Brothers
Personal Care Assistant
Amy Burd
Transition Coach
Jennifer Burkardt
School Psychologist
Maria Bush
Speech and Language Pathologist
Roanne Bush
Student Services Division Secretary
Gina Canale
School Psychologist
Collins Carlin
Early Intervention Secretary
Katie Carlisle
Speech and Language Pathologist
Amy Cavalier
Educational Consultant
Ahna Choi
Speech and Language Pathologist
Brittany Cilli
Personal Care Assistant
Cassandra Colligan
Speech and Language Pathologist
Margaret Cowan
Early Intervention Evaluation and Services Specialist
Michele Cross
Personal Care Assistant
Cindy Davis
Classroom Assistant
Karen Davis
Classroom Assistant
Karen Deniker
Sherri Depree
Personal Care Assistant
Tiffany Diehl
Special Education Teacher
Tracy Donofrio
Speech and Language Pathologist
Lauren Douglass
Speech and Language Pathologist
Brena Dwyer
Personal Care Assistant
Mary Evans
Christen Farabaugh
Special Education Teacher
Nathan Fencil
Speech and Language Pathologist
Caelyn Fournier
Personal Care Assistant
Kim Gamble
Transition Coach
Elizabeth Giesmann
Personal Care Assistant
Alicia Goppman
Speech and Language Pathologist
Samantha Grady
Student Services Support Secretary
Cassie Gray
Angela Greene
Personal Care Assistant
Jaime Gregorich
Special Education Teacher
Judy Hagerman
Classroom Assistant
Karen Hamilton
Classroom Assistant
Christine Handke
Special Education Teacher
Diana Harr
Clairview School Secretary
Jacob Harr
Personal Care Assistant
Susan Heasley
Speech and Language Pathologist
Kelly Heitchue
Behavior Management Specialist
Kristin Henry
Special Education Teacher
Laken Hergert
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher
Kimberly Howard
Personal Care Assistant
Shavahn Hoyle
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Diane Huff
Classroom Assistant
Melissa Jackson
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Lauren Johnson
Speech and Language Pathologist
Adam Johnston
Special Education Teacher
Michele Jones
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Jeffrey Jurkovic
Special Education Teacher
Megan Kaufman
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Stacey Kennedy
Special Education Teacher
Erin Kenning
School Social Worker
Angela King
Speech and Language Pathologist
Jessica Kocon
Special Education Teacher
Gayle Komperda
Classroom Assistant
Cameron Kovatch
Special Education Teacher
Tyler Kropelak
Special Education Teacher
Anna Kuszajewski
Transition Coach
Breanna Kyper
Speech and Language Pathologist
Sheri Lake
Speech and Language Pathologist Supervisor
Gina Lester
Classroom Assistant
Jennifer Litzinger
Speech and Language Pathologist
Luann Lynn
Speech and Language Pathologist
Nita Mamas
Classroom Assistant
Amanda Mars
Special Education Teacher
Carrie Mason
Speech and Language Pathologist
Dr. Rebecca McGee
Student Services Director
Beth McKee
Speech and Language Pathologist
Mindy McMahen
Educational Consultant
Haley Merva
Personal Care Assistant
Marisa Metropoulos
Early Learning Teacher
Rachel Miles
Speech and Language Pathologist
Bailey Miller
Speech and Language Pathologist
Darlene Miller
Classroom Assistant
Emily Miller
Educational Audiologist
Heidi Miller
Transition Coach
Kelly Miller
Special Education Teacher
Kristi Miller
Transition Coach
Emily Millward
Personal Care Assistant
Brianna Morgan
Personal Care Assistant
Holly Morrison
Early Intervention Evaluation and Services Specialist
Kristen Mulheren
Special Education Teacher
Luann Murtha
Special Education Teacher
Cara Neiderhiser
Speech and Language Pathologist
Haley Noonan
School Psychologist
Amber O'Casek
Personal Care Assistant
Jacob Orkwis
Special Education Teacher
Terri Pajak
Classroom Assistant
Elyse Patrick
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Kelly Pencak
Speech and Language Pathologist
Mary Petrina
Transition Coach Mentor
Yvonne Piper
Classroom Assistant
Brittany Pirl
Classroom Assistant
Marina Poliak
Special Education Teacher
Tracey Polliard
Classroom Assistant
Sheryl Porco
Personal Care Assistant
Bethany Radcliffe
Special Education Teacher
Melissa Rankin
Speech and Language Pathologist
Nathan Reed
Special Education Teacher
Marissa Rega
Educational Consultant
Donna Reno
Personal Care Assistant
Joseph Rice
Student Services Supervisor
Barb Rioja
Speech and Language Pathologist
Madison Ritts
Early Intervention Supervisor
Kayla Robinson
Speech and Language Pathologist
Sherri Robosky
Emma Roby
Personal Care Assistant
Kathryn Ruckert
Speech and Language Pathologist
Kristine Samide
Early Intervention Evaluation and Services Specialist
Heather Saus
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher
Susan Schafer
Classroom Assistant
Heather Schirra
Special Education Teacher
Christina Schultheis
Personal Care Assistant
Rachael Shaw
Speech and Language Pathologist
Desiree Sheffler
Personal Care Assistant
Mary Signore-Cupani
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Caitlin Siko
School Psychologist
Jennifer Smith
Special Education Teacher
Lily Smith
Speech and Language Pathologist
Natalie Smith
Educational Consultant
Theresa Soforic
Classroom Assistant
Melanie Soich
Early Intervention Secretary
Debbie Stahl
Classroom Assistant
Michelle Stanley-Joyce
Special Education Teacher
Sharon Stapleton
Special Education Teacher
Michelle Sterrett
Classroom Assistant
Dana Stevenson
Personal Care Assistant
Sally Stombaugh
Classroom Assistant
Jason Stragand
Early Childhood Services Director
Erin Straub
Special Education Teacher
Sabrina Swetoha
Speech and Language Pathologist
Michele Swink
School Psychologist
Ashley Szajnuk
Personal Care Assistant
Heather Thomas
Ashley Tiernan
Classroom Assistant
Holly Tonkin
Special Education Teacher
Savannah Tryon
Speech and Language Pathologist
Anna Marie Vasquez
Classroom Assistant
Kaeli Verbrugge
Speech and Language Pathologist
Danielle Vingin
Student Data Specialist
Sarah Vreibel
Speech and Language Pathologist
Sarah Wagner
Educational Consultant
Bethany Wenzel
Special Education Teacher
Susan Williams
ACCESS Secretary
Nancy Williamson
Classroom Assistant
Lori Wilson
Special Education Teacher
Michelle Wilson
Special Education Teacher
Nicole Wilson
Personal Care Assistant
Judi Wood
Classroom Assistant
Sutton Zabrosky
Speech and Language Pathologist
Adam Zawalsh
Special Education Teacher
Vickie Zeiler
Special Education Teacher
Student Services General Information
Health & Safety Plan
Surrogate Parent Program
Non-Public School Services
English Learners
Right To Education Local Task Force
School Age Itinerant Services
Training and Consultation (TaC)
Meet the TaC Team
TaC Chat Short Videos
Telepresence Lending Library
Transition Services
Virtual Learning Resources
Annual Public Notice of Special Education Services & Programs
IDEA-B Policies and Procedures